Glenda’s Fabulous 19th!

June 20th was supposedly to be my younger sister’s birthday until I met Glenda, whose birth date falls on the same day as my younger sister which gave me a perfectly good excuse to excuse myself from celebrating her birthday…

Since, it’s the first time I’m celebrating Glenda’s birthday, I decided to ATTEMPT to bake a cake!

Disclaimer: I have never baked a cake for the whole of my life, and it’s my first time trying to do so, yes I may be able to whipped up yummy looking food and dishes but baking, it’s just a total disaster.


The cake batter after mixing it, and the hardest part was having soft butter, why couldn’t I just heat up the butter?!


After mixing in the colourings for the gluey mix, I don’t know why red looks so pink so I ended up spamming tonnes of colouring trying to make the batter red, and ended up having to warn them not to eat the red layer.


See! Red came out red and I regretted spamming in so much of the red. Stupid me. And because the yellow layer was too thin, I accidentally broke it and guess how I managed to salvage it?


Spam layers of cream over it like how glue works, and guess what?

Thankfully, Glenda didn’t notice it, I hope!!


Whipped cream! I could totally imagine the heap of fats that you are going to consume…


So this was the original version of the cake… you will probably figure it out why it’s “original”…


Taadaa the cream drooped!!!

I had totally no idea why it fell and on the exterior of the cream was like water, EW! It looked so ugly that I had to redo the cream, the next day…


Pretty cupcakes that I made the next day!


Just a pile of fats on a overly red cake.


While I was baking, I managed to find time to make this fabric board “birthday card”!

And I made a big mess in the living room and kitchen that I took part of my sleeping time to clear up the mess.


So much effort on the board and the FINAL PRODUCT looks SO pretty!

(Self-compliment because I totally needed it!)


And I made cards for Karen and Glad to write their wishes on!

I can’t believe myself coming up with such pretty stuffs with just papers, glue, scissors and an empty floral fabric board.



Guess where her guy brought her for dinner? Rochester Park and Dempsey.

So romantic. I wishes somewhat would do the same too, on my birthday…

(Better wake up and stop my dreaming…*a slap on face, phish*)


The food just looked too yummy!

And while Glenda was enjoying her dinner basking in the romantic atmosphere and her companion, we were just slacking in the room…


AND, did these!


I shall present you the END PRODUCT of the cake!!


I had to scrap off all the melted and horribly looking cream and redo it with buttercream icing! And I ended up pouring too much icing sugar, it turns out to be to sweet!

But well, at least it didn’t go out of shape! MUAHAHAAH xD


Too lazy to even decorate it anymore so I just sprinkle so rainbow sprinkles and hearts and topped it with a gummy.


Happy Glenda with the birthday cake that she couldn’t believe I baked it! YIPPEEE~~


It looks pretty when it’s cut. ❤ ❤


To the happiest girl, Glenda 😀


And we’re off to … party again!


Here’s a shot of Glenda and her Mister. Ahh, happy boy and her birthday girl!

(I wish I can meet my mister soon~bleahhh)


Kisses for you! Muacks~


What a fun night we had!

With their classmate, Ming Ai! She’s also from Malaysia, Kulai, just a little short drive away from Kota Tinggi, how COOL!


And for the first time ever, I got my brows drawn by pretty Glad!


My 20th Birthday x M Hotel Singapore Staycation !

May 18 has been a day that I have been looking forward to since I made a new group of friends this year and that they have been the most bubbly, cheerful and caring girls I have ever been with as a clique. However, because of grandma’s departure, 6 days before my birthday on the 12th, I had a total emotional breakdown, nothing in the world makes me happy and that every little thing in my life reminds me of her, I literally cried everyday and at least twice.


The chinese-style funeral standard outfit that I had to wear.

White/Blue Pants : Grandchildren

White/Black Pants: Children

White/Green Pants: Great-Grandchildren

May 16th was the day grandma’s body was sent to the crematorium for cremation, that same day, was the day the girls booked the hotel room for me and we were supposed to be happily celebrating away, but I was not in any celebratory mood. Just that afternoon, I wonder how many times have I cried and that few days, I just binged and cried till my eyes were poofy and swollen. I know it’s that bad and the girls, being very caring, insisted that I should go for the surprise that they planned for me as it was their only way to cheer me up despite me wanting to give my 20th birthday celebration a miss.


After the funeral, I had to pack up grandma’s room and assist them in cleaning up.

My younger sis made me took this photo though!

Around evening time, I packed my bag and headed to Tanjong Pagar to meet the girls. The hotel was located at some unknown location and it took me a long time to the extend the girls came over to pick me up.


Glenda took a selfie while waiting for Karen and her guy friend, Casper.


They blindfolded me and Glad led the way to the room!

The feeling of being blindfolded it’s quite scary, pitch darkness, yet you could hear voices and giggles, curious about the surroundings but as well as fear of what might happen such as banging on the wall or tripping over someone and falling down.



Everything that suits my taste, non-chocolate cake (that won’t stain my braces) and simply decorated pastel background with the pretty balloons! The lilac balloons are my fav! COZ IT’s PURPLE!


I’m so thankful for the girls for trying their best to cheer me up and keeping me occupied awhile to prevent me from feeling sad and grieving over grandma’s death!


Spending effort to plan out this surprise for me! ❤


These polaroids were mine to keep! 🙂


My birthday cake! 😀


This was the next surprise that came in!

While we were getting changed and having our dinner, I picked up a call from the room phone and it appeared that it was Sharen! He called from his camp and asked his ex-colleague to direct the line to my room! What a pleasant surprise to hear his voice! He asked me how was the room and everything as he helped us to get late check-out and higher floor and then ask if I received anything from the in-room dining. I did not received anything at the moment when he called but after he hanged up, the door bell rang and the staff brought this brownie for me! Sharen had asked his night duty manager to deliver a birthday cake for me! I was totally surprised and totally did not expected it!



My ootd for the night! 🙂


Selfies in the lift, that had a huge full-length mirror!


We forgot to take something from the room and went back to take, and selfie time again!


You probably could guess where we are going this time from the outfit that we are wearing…

YES! We are going to Zoukkk!

It’s also Phuture Bulletproof’s 1st Anniversary, totally hyped!


While waiting for Casper to buy the mixers since he brought a bottle of Bacardi, another selfie in the convenient stall!


That’s Casper right beside Karen, he is her colleague.


The 4 of us in Zouk!


Warning: DO NOT JUDGE!

We didn’t really kissed but just posed for the fun of it!


Okay, this time I did kissed Karen on the cheek, birthday girl, FREE KISSES on the cheek!

No, I’m kidding, exclusive for the 3 girls only and Siru, if she ever wants it!


For the first time, none of the girls are drunk and we could take tonnes of photo in Zouk! It was AWESOME!


The next morning, I woke up early, feeling sad and after sneaking to the toilet to sob, I felt super duper hungry and decided to head out of the hotel to get my favourite ramen, Keisuke Tonkatsu King Ramen at Orchid Hotel while the girls were sleeping away!


Then, I took away some food for the girls and after lunch, we headed to the hotel’s pool for some suntanning and dipping in the pool and jacuzzi!

Dip, because the pool was simply too tiny for a swim.


Selfies at the pool!


Casper came by and helped us to take a photo! I hid behind because I hadn’t been exercising and that my tummy had appeared.

Most importantly, the tanlines I had, because they told me to take of my shorts and that I always wore this bikini pants for suntanning so now that I’m wearing a triangle bottom, the tanlines looks way too ugly and hilarious xD


All my pretty girls! 😉


Lucky us, a very good looking man walked past us while we were taking selfie and due to some unknown miscommunication, he thought we asked him to join us for a selfie!

But sure, he was good-looking!


There’s all my pretty girls! And it pretty sums up the whole of my birthday and staycation at M Hotel Singapore.


Collated all my birthday gifts from all of my friends from my 20th Birthday!


Lastly, I shall end this post with my favourite polaroid amongst all!

Kudos to the smart me for initiating this pose and it turns out beautiful!

The birthday surprise have been pleasantly great and all my entire life, this is the first time ever was my birthday that well-planned by someone and that I did not had to planned my birthday for myself. Thank you so much and this is the best birthday I ever had. I know I wasn’t very cooperating in taking most photos since I was feeling quite down but I tried my best to be happy and smile so that the photos would turn out great.


I was “forced” by Glenda to take this photo as I was super reluctant to take for I felt fat. (I put on some pounds and haven’t been exercising since grandma was hospitalized…)

The awkwardness, but I shall end this post here.

Happy 20th Birthday to me!