My New Clique!

Clique comes and go, just how friends come and go as time passes by with all the life events taking place. You would join new cliques and leave the old ones behind and soon after, those friends whom you were once very close with become less significant in your life and the new ones in your clique move up in your ranking.

I used to have a clique from school whom I once very close with but however with all the change in classes, school work and internship, we drifted apart from very close friends who could discuss anything to people whom you talk to regarding school work. It is indeed very saddening because as much as you try to, there is no way you can relive those happy moments and the strong friendship bond that you once had.

However, throughout this period, beside meeting my new friend Pam, I got to know of these 3 lovely girls, maybe one of them you might have known before, but the four of us makes really good friends.



ImageOn the far left is Glad, followed by Glenda and my god mummy, Karen!

Perhaps you might be wondering why am I addressing Karen, God-mummy? It was meant to be a joke or maybe some role-playing since she is the more matured one in our clique. I am her God-daughter and Glad is my God-sister. Where’s our God-daddy? Still in the midst of searching…

So how did we actually know each other?

In one of the funniest places you would ever think of, somewhere where it is not possible for friendship to foster. I know it’s tough, yes, our friendship started out in a club. From a friend introducing us to one another and then introducing to more new friends, that is how we actually ended up knowing each other. 

Of course, since our friendship started out because of clubbing, our common activity is to head to club and enjoy ourselves. Nevertheless, besides just clubbing, we do hang out together most of the time when our schedules allow us to, or simply we would try to make time for one another. It isn’t easy especially when Karen is working, I am near graduating and the other two girls, Glad and Glenda are still in their Year 2 or soon-to-be Year 3. 

In fact, it has been really amazing how our friendship grew so well and that we barely even had any quarrels with one another. They have been the best girls and clique that I hang out with most of the time and hopefully unlike those past friendships, this clique will last as long as it would take, even if we grow older, more mature and clubbing no longer become our main focus, we would still be able to maintain the friendship and way of communication just like presently.

They have been the best, and they just make my each day a little bit more interesting~